The 3 Gunas And Brahmavidya

Discovering whether the decisions you are making in your life are fostering or inhibiting your spiritual development is one of the first steps on the spiritual path.

The three Gunas help you understand brahmavidya benefits, and the effects of brahmavidya in daily life.

The Three Gunas

Rajas are the energising or positive force that starts a transformation by upsetting the existing balance. Tamas is the opposing force that keeps the earlier action going. The impartial power known as sattva regulates, oversees, and balances positive and negative forces. 

Rajas are the life energy that lacks stability or consistency. It exudes a passionate, agitated quality. Rajas cause various conflicting emotions, including love and hate, attraction and repulsiveness, and fear and want. 

The substance or inferior power known as tamas pulls us into states of ignorance and attachment. It possesses the characteristics of death, non-feeling, and gloom. It results in emotional clinging, stagnation, dullness, and lethargy. 

Yoga instructs us to cultivate sattva since it is the attribute that permits spiritual development. But as we progress to the next level, what may have started as sattvic on one level can change into rajasic or tamasic and must be thrown out. 

The Three Gunas in Pralaya 

The three Gunas are in equilibrium in the pralaya or the unmanifest universe. Rajas and tamas merge with sattva. These three attributes start to differ when Prakriti manifests herself. Rajas produce life energy, the form and substance of the body are the product of tamas, and the intellect is created by sattva. 

Law of Continuity 

The three characteristics are always present together and are constantly engaged in dynamic interplay. “The law of modification” is this. Pure sattva, pure rajas, or pure tamas are rarely seen. However, it will retain its essence for a while when one quality takes centre stage. The term “the law of continuity” refers to this. 

These laws are demonstrated throughout the day. The sunrise and transitional sunset periods belong to rajas, while the night belongs to tamas. The day belongs to sattva. Time’s phases alternate at all times. However, once a specific time of day has been set, it will last for a while. 


The higher spiritual force known as sattva helps us advance in consciousness. Sattva possesses the attributes of life, light, and love. This characteristic is associated with honesty, faith, self-control, humility, truthfulness, purity, and satisfaction. 

The first step in developing sattva is to purify the body and mind through lifestyle decisions.

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