5 Important Things to Know Before Your First Gynaecologist Appointment

For many teenagers, seeing a gynaecologist for the first time can be a very fearful and daunting task. Although it is dreadful for many women however; visiting a gynaecologist isn’t bad at all if you are already aware of the five important things before paying your first visit to the private gynaecologist in London.
This article provides answers to some questions about what to expect while seeing your gynaecologist for the first time.
- Normal Age for seeing a gynaecologist for the first time: You might have heard that girls visit private gynaecologist between the age of 13 to 16. However, even if you are older than the recommended age and have not visited a gynaecologist yet, there is nothing to worry. So, do not allow these guidelines to put you off from visiting the gynaecologist for the first time.
- Can the visit be awkward and uncomfortable? There is really no reason to be nervous while visiting the gynaecologist. The visit won’t be uncomfortable or fearful as you might have expected. The private gynaecology clinic London doctors are generally amicable, friendly and they will always try to put you at ease the entire time. You can expect the doctor to ask you about your health history, the health of your family, your menstrual cycle and a few other things related to your menstruation. Keep in mind that it is vital to give honest answers so that the doctor can understand your health conditions accurately.
- What to expect during the examination: During your visit to the gynaecologist, the doctor might run a few tests. There can be various kinds of examinations depending on your age, whether you are sexually active. Some of the common examinations are weight, height, external genital examinations, breast and pelvic examinations and pap smears. You might not have to run these tests during your first visit. It is usually talking with the doctor and letting him/her know about the health conditions. However, for young patients, the doctor might not suggest pelvic examinations and pap smears are not done on patients under 21 years of age.
- External Genital Examination: It is important to know what to expect during an external genital examination. The doctor generally takes a look at your vaginal opening which consists of the vulva, labia, clitoris and anus. Sometimes, the doctor uses a mirror just to show you how these body organs look like.
- Will everything be kept confidential: For patients who are 18 years and above, the conversations that take place are generally kept confidential. For patients below 18 years, the information is shared with the guardians or the parents depending on the significance of it. If you have any questions, you can always ask your gynaecologist as open-ended conversations are encouraged. So, you should not feel shy and hold yourself back from discussing your concern with the gynaecologist. Also, if your doctor performs any test, it is important for you to follow up after a week or so as suggested by your doctor.
Consider and keep the above important things in mind before visiting the gynaecologist for the first time.